Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Netflix going above and beyond the duty to be douchebags.

So because their streaming is so successful, they just announced that as of September 1st, you'll have to subscribe to either streaming or dvd's, or do the both option, that jacks the monthly price up from 9.99 a month, to 15.99 a month. In other words, it's successful, lets screw everyone who's signed up the last 5 years.

I think it's ridiculous. I've been with Netflix long before XBL and I've already endured the last 2 jacks in price, namely charging an extra 2 dollars to rent blurays per DVD you're allowed at once (I was doing 3 at a time, so it jacked up my monthly bill from 24.99 to 30.99), so I quickly canceled the Blu plan. Then I moved to the 9.99 plan for 1 DVD when they raised the price per DVD, which would have again moved my 24.99 plan to 30.99. So now at 9.99 I could just stream most everything and get 1 DVD at a time which I really didn't need. Now with this, they're going to jack it up from 9.99 to 15.99, again trying to screw me out of 6 dollars a month. Eventually, after I cancel this, they'll just try to charge me 5.99 straight up since they've been gunning for that 6 bucks for the last 2-3 years.

Either way, I think this is BS and I hope they end up losing customers due to this.


  1. Get in power and then start dicking people over... i hate corporate strategies.

  2. During an economic crisis no less. How greedy.

  3. Sadly since the provide such a good service, they know they can charge double and get away with it.

    It's a shame that people couldn't just boycott it entirely until the price goes back down, but we all know that it wouldn't work unless basically everyone did it.

    Sucks they'd take advantage of customers like that, but it's a company afterall, money is their goal.

  4. Interesting post!

  5. Hopefully enough people put up a fight like you that they knock it off.

  6. Wow that is a shady move on their part.

  7. Wow that sucks so now I have to choose between streaming or DVD if I don't want to pay more.

  8. And this is how renting and buying movies becomes obsolete. Thanks Netflix!

  9. that's why i'm waiting for a google movies already. google tv or whatever. they will not do shit like this. never had netflix.

  10. In the demand curve, I doubt enough people will quit to make this look like a bad move according to their balance sheet. Does it penalize those that have been long time subscribers? Maybe, but the gravy train that is streaming is shifting their economics and they want to hasten the death of those expensive fragile discs as quickly as they can.

  11. i dont subscribe myself but i do piggyback onto my cousins account. i get the dvds and he gets the stream. this is going to suck.

  12. No shock there, I dropped them a few yrs back and get my movies elsewhere for a lot less.

  13. Really disappointed at netflix for this, they have always been decent, even going as far as giving me a account credit because 1 streaming movie was not that great of quailty.

  14. i believe the licensing contract deals (ability to show content) for netflix are becoming more expensive.

  15. I kinda thought this would happen.

  16. wow this is super lame.

  17. they even got epic meal time to work for them!

  18. Gotta blame the movie companies instead of Netflix. Like the above poster said, the movie industry is raising it's license deals so they won't 'lose' as much money when people buy netflix. Its a shitty situation all around.

  19. i finally watched an episode of himym last night. NPH is awesome, rest of show seems like it wants to teach me something.

  20. Agreed this sucks but I will still pay it.

  21. I never really liked Netflix, so this doesn't surprise me.

  22. Screw you Netflix! I hope people dont rewind their dvd's when they send em back to you monsters!

  23. Netflix still rocks - still worth the price.
