Monday, June 13, 2011

LeBron still acts like a child.

During his press conference, he was asked an asinine question, but opted to take the bait and well ended up saying "I'm rich, you're not". Now he didn't use those words exactly, but here's the quote, you infer what you want.

After losing the championship game today, and having another mediocre performance at that, LeBron was taking questions during his press conference. Some reporter thought it was a good time to ask a snarky question hoping to bait LeBron into more controversy. LeBron fell right into the trap.

When asked something along the lines of "Are you bothered by the fact that now all of the "haters" are happy with you losing this series?" LeBron answered ""At the end of the day, all of the people that want to see me fail will wake up tomorrow and have the same life, the same problems, while I wake up and enjoy my life"

Now the question was pretty douchey to begin with, but LeBron should have known to not answer. But to then answer that at the end of the day it's great to be him, not to be the everyday normal guy will do nothing but alienate more people. LeBron has said countless times, he wants to break 1 Billion in his career. And while something like this won't hurt him that much, compounding this with everything else, his image just continues to take a hit. At some point, you have to realize that the more people that hate you, the less impact your endorsements have, meaning less chance at getting good quality endorsements later on. As i said today isn't important, but the more this happens and the more people that pile on to the LeBron hate train, at some point endorsement camps are going to realize that it's more trouble than its worth keeping him around. Look at Tiger Woods. He cheats on his wife and gets dropped by everyone. Something that had nothing to do with any fans, any competitors and he's black listed. LeBron needs to stop attacking fans and either just ignore them, or try to win them back. Being a child isn't going to help you out in the long run.

Just a mini rant before bed.


  1. I am not sure he was directly inferring that his money makes him happy, however I agree that sometimes it is best to just ignore and choose to not comment.

  2. Yeah, its gotta be hard on the guy right now. He can't get a break.

  3. Well, he does get a lot of pressure put on him. I probably would have answered in a way less mature manner...

  4. even though he took the bait i think his answer was well articulated and fair.

  5. I don't think it matters what he says at this point. After what he did this past offseason and not showing up in the Finals the only way he's going to silence the 'haters' is going to be to win it all.

  6. Hes a douche no matter how good he is at basketball i was just so happy he lost and the Mavs won even though im not a mavs fan hah

  7. say what you will about how he conducts himself off the court but on it he is great

  8. He's always been arrogant. He has "Chosen 1" tattooed on his back, come on.

  9. he mad he didnt get a ring. Despite having great talent, he's just a douche. Maybe he will mature a little in the future.
