Tuesday, May 31, 2011

X-Men First Class is getting great reviews thus far.

I normally don't care about reviews, but sometimes things catch my eye, Thor getting great reviews was something that caught me off guard, and now it seems X-Men is getting even better reviews. As it stands right now, it has 27 great reviews and 1 rotten one. I'm not sure if it can hold 97% once it's released, but 90%~ for a movie that most people said was unneeded seems solid. I for one have been amped since i first read about it and now i can only hope it's legit good, not just critic good.


  1. I guess I'll have to check it out.

  2. I'm generally not touched by reviews. They get paid to criticize the movie, while I'll watch it for entertainment. Still though, I do too hope the new X-Men movie will be awesome.

  3. I love X-Men series and I think it's must watch for me and anyone who likes X-Men.

  4. Yeah, sometimes Rotten Tomatoes doesn't really make sense. Let me know how it is.

  5. Do you know when the movie is released ?

  6. This movie looks so good, i like how they are reverting back to show the older generations and how the X-Men started

  7. I'm so excited, it looks really good in my opinion, I'm trying to convince my friend to see it with me, he's not really into super heroes :P

  8. yeah thor was surprising but ANOTHER x-men movie getting good reviews before it's may just be hype.

  9. That's awesome its getting decent reviews, because it really wasn't necessary. I'd be more inclined to give it a chance if that awful Wolverine movie hadn't just came out.

  10. surprising, yet cool, ill check it out as well

  11. i, for one, am looking forward to it.

  12. Better not be scrap like X-men 3 or I will , huh , do something.

  13. I'm surprised that I am looking forward to this, I didn't care for the last one too much. I think it's the nostalgia aspect, seeing those blue and yellow uniforms. I hope this is a good one.

  14. I have only seen the trailer and am hooked.

  15. I'm surprised at the quality, honestly. When I heard about the project, and saw the casting, I was figuring it would be garbage like Wolverine. It actually looks really good though.

  16. here's to hoping it holds those numbers! i would love it to really be that good
